Everything You Need to Know About Citizenship by Investment in Dominica

When you choose to invest Dominica there are a lot of things you have to know before you move on and try to implement your decision. It is not good to jump headfirst into anything. You have definitely been hearing about how much of a good idea it is to invest in Dominica, it is a great idea in fact but that doesn’t mean you should just jump into it without knowing a thing or two about it first. You have to be fully prepared for the decision you have made because it comes with a lot of processes and moving forward you have to prepare yourself for them. We understand how stressful and confusing it can be to do something you haven’t done before and investing in Dominica is something you haven’t done and that is why we have come up with a few things we think you have to know before you move forward.
History and Basic General Information
The Dominica citizenship by investment originated in the year 1993 by the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, it allows foreigners to invest and acquire citizenship under certain conditions. This program has now since become one of the world’s longest going economic citizenship schemes and it is also considered to be one of the most reputable. It allows the applicants to obtain irrevocable citizenship and passport and the applicant does not need to live in the country or revoke/renounce their current citizenship.
It usually takes about four months for it to be processed.
Visa-Free Travel
When the whole process is completed and you have gotten your citizenship, you have a chance to instantly travel without visa to about one hundred and forty-three countries.
The Type of Investment
To fully invest you need to donate to the Dominica government fund or you go can put your money in the real estate of Dominica.
Cost of Investment
The investment cost usually goes for a hundred thousand US dollars for only single applicant or one hundred and seventy-five US dollars for a family of four.
Family Dependents
The package can be with your spouse, children up to 30 years old, parents as well as grandparent do not have any age restriction, and siblings at about 25 years and below.
Validity of the Passport
The passport is valid for up to 10 years for children from 16 years of age and above and it is valid for up to 5 years for children of 16 years of age and below.
There is a lot of citizenship by investment companies in Dubai.